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【重要消息 IMPORTANT】2022年春季日本北九州市立大学JASSO优秀生奖学金研修计划 / The University of Kitakyushu J

本帖最后由 国际教育学院IIE 于 2021-12-6 17:38 编辑






1 学期:总共400,000JPY (80,000JPY/月*5个月)

报名条件:在校成绩GPA 3.5或以上(仅开放予专业文凭班与学士班学生报名)


面试地点:ZOOM 平台(随后将透过Whatsapp发详情给确定参加面试的同学)

  • 本项目不接受应届毕业生。(即原定于2021及2022年内毕业的学生。)
  • 学生接获录取,即选择延毕。
  • 被录取的学生请联系本校注册处咨询学籍处理事宜。
  • 日本学习归来后,学生须马上恢复新纪元学籍,按照新纪元学期安排上课。
  • 若受录取者同时为奖贷学金受惠人,必须遵从奖贷发放协议。具体情况请咨询本校奖贷学金委员会。
  • 由于抵达日本后的第二个月才能获得奖学金金额,学生需先自行准备50,000JPY,约RM2,000以支付留日首个月的生活费(未含隔离与新冠病毒检测费用)。
  • 奖学金获录者目前暂定依上课日期飞往日本,但由于疫情关系,飞往日本时间有可能会更改,也可能学生无法飞往日本参与本项目,无法获得本项目的奖学金。若学生无法依原定日期飞往日本,日方将按原定日期开课并让同学们在本地以网课形式学习。
  • 在马上网课期间,日方将不提供奖学金,待学生入境日本学习后即可领取奖学金,奖学金金额将视学生在日本学习的时长而定(每月80,000JPY)。(若学生在活动最后一个月才能入境日本学习,日方将不提供该月奖学金。学生可选择继续留马,通过网课形式完成该月的课业。)
  • 学生通过面试后,本校会将学生名单提供予日本北九州市立大学(UKK),UKK将预计于2022年1月份最终确认获得奖学金名额的学生名单。
  • 实际情况须视乎最新疫情状况与两国政策而定,日方要求学生先通过面试,锁住奖学金名额,过后将依情况作出合理调整。

有意参与者可点击此链接报名: https://forms.gle/NeT7LmScYSHvaq9L9

若有任何疑问,可联系国际教育学院 iie@newera.edu.my 询问详情。

国际教育学院 谨启

Ref No. : N-IIE-IRC-N-21009
Date     : 6th December 2021

Dear students,

[IMPORTANT] The University of Kitakyushu JASSO Scholarship Program Spring 2022
The University of Kitakyushu (UKK), Japan, will provide scholarship for students to study at UKK for 1 semester. The detail of program is as follows:

1 semester: 5 months (The actual dates are to be confirmed. Spring semester of UKK usually starts­ in April.)

1 semester: Total 400,000JPY (80,000JPY/month*5 months)

Slots available: 2 students

Requirement: GPA 3.5 and above (Open for Diploma and Degree students only.)

Application deadline: 10th December 2021 (Friday)

Venue for interview: ZOOM Platform (Students that are confirmed to join the interview will receive details through Whatsapp.)

  • Student graduating in current years (year 2021 and 2022) is not accepted for this program.
  • Once student accepts the offer, it means that he will extend his graduation period.
  • Student recruited kindly consult on matters related to your student status with NEUC Registration Office.
  • Once student comes back from Japan, he needs to immediately restore his NEUC student status and attend to class according to NEUC academic schedule.
  • In the case of a student who is a beneficiary of NEUC scholarship or loan with a UKK offer, he must then obey the terms and conditions stated in the scholarship or loan agreement. Student is suggested to consult NEUC Scholarship Committee for details.
  • As the first payment of scholarship will only be made at the second month of arrival in Japan, students shall prepare 50,000JPY, which is around RM2,000 in advance for the first month living expenses (the expenses for quarantine and COVID-19 test are not included).
  • Students are currently scheduled to fly to Japan according to the arranged dates. However, there are many uncertainties due to the epidemic situation, which may cause changes to the flight scheduled to Japan. If students are not able to fly to Japan as scheduled, UKK will start the class on time by using online teaching method for students to learn locally in Malaysia.
  • Students are able to receive the scholarship from JASSO only when they are able to enter and learn in Japan. The amount of the scholarshipis depending on the duration of students’ study in Japan (80,000JPY per month). (If students are only able to travel to Japan by the last month of their learning in this program, they will not able to receive scholarship from JASSO. Students can choose to stay in Malaysia and complete the program through online classes.)
  • NEUC will submit the list of students who have passed the interview session to The University of Kitakyushu (UKK), and the final beneficiary list is expected to be confirm in January 2022.
  • There might be adjustments made according to the latest pandemic situation and government policy. UKK requests students to pass the interview first and secure the scholarship quota.

Interested applicants could register via the link: https://forms.gle/NeT7LmScYSHvaq9L9

Do join us and learn together!
Attached with the course information provided by UKK.
Kindly contact Institute of International Education iie@newera.edu.my for enquiries.

Best regards,
Institute of International Education

2022年春季日本北九州市立大学JASSO优秀生奖学金研修计划宣传海报-.jpg.jpg (886.03 KB, 下载次数: 1132)


JULY2021 UKK Courses(ref).pdf

73.41 KB, 下载次数: 731

Courses in English by English Department.pdf

46.28 KB, 下载次数: 747


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