
新纪元首页 > 文学与社会科学院 > 东南亚学系 > Navaratnam a/l Vejaratnam

Navaratnam a/l Vejaratnam

Academic Qualification:
Navaratnam a/l Vejaratnam
Senior Lecturer
Master of Human Resource Development (Universiti Putra Malaysia)
Bachelor of Business Administration (First Class) (Universiti Utara Malaysia)
MAJOR Human Resource Management
RESEARCH AREAS Workplace Deviant Behaviour, Emotional Intelligence, Workplace Studies
TEACHING SUBJECTS Human Resource Management, Strategic Human Resource Management, International Business, Creative Thinking, Business Communication, The Integrity And Anti-Corruption Course, Community Service
DISSERTATION/THESIS Examining The Relationship Between Job Satisfaction And Employee’s Motivation Towards Employee’s Performance
  1. Vejaratnam,N., Md Noh, H. N., & Anathuri, N. (2024). Influences of work pressure, task autonomy and organizational support on deviant behaviour in the Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM). Journal of Global Business and Social Entrepreneurship (GBSE), 10(28).
  2. Suppiah, M., Ismail, I. A., Vejaratnam, N., Devi, S., & Chethiyar, M. (2023). Hubungan antara beban kerja, tekanan kerja, peranan konflik kerja dan tingkahlaku devian di tempat kerja dalam kalangan pegawai polis di sebuah ibu pejabat polis di wilayah persekutuan. Practitioner Research, 5, 143-155.
  3. P Keat Y.C., Kok, Heng., Vejaratnam, N., Peng, G.S., & Lai (2023). Exploring Differences in e-Learning Satisfaction: Comparative Study between Public and Private University. Journal of English Education and Teaching 5 (1), 55-74
  4. Vejayaratnam, N., Haron, A., Hanafi, N. H. M., & Hamdzah, N. L. A. (2023). Learners in Blended Environments: Emotional and Cognitive Intelligence. Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results, 2565-2576.
  5. Vejaratnam, V., Kok, H.H., Harith, I., Peng, F.G.S, James, S.D., Paramasivam, T., & Anathuri, A., (2022). Demystifying the Research on Special Education: Bibliometric Analysis. International Journal Of Special Education , 37(3)
  6. Kok,H.H., Vejaratnam, N., Peng, F.G.S., Syazwani, I., Abdullah, N.A & Shakani, A. (2022). The Mediating Role of Institutional Support on Relationship between Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and Student Satisfaction to Use E-Learning during Covid-19 Pandemic: The Study of Private University in Malaysia. International Journal Of Special Education, 37(3) 742-752
  7. Kok,H.H., Vejaratnam, N., Harith, I., Zaid, S.M., Ismail, N., Abbas, M.S., & Amin, F.A (2022). Correlates of Mathematics Anxiety among Business Studies Students: A Case of an Institution of Higher Learning in Malaysia. Central Asia & the Caucasus, 23(1)
  8. Hashim, S.N.A., Othman, R., Jamin, J., Hasan, A.A., Vejaratnam, N., Sennin, MS., Hamdan, I.J., & Misman, J. (2022). Barriers to online teaching and learning in computer science. Journal of Positive School Psychology, 6 (4), 1802-1809.
  9. Navaratnam, V., James, S.D., Paramasivam, T., Harlina, E., Habibah, R., & Marzuki, N.M., (2022). Recruit, Train and Evaluate Human Capital. Empirical Economics Letters, 21(1)
  10. Shafie, A. S. B. SNKB Rubani, ANB Paimin, V Navaratnam, & MN Nordin (2021). Elements Of Safety In Job Satisfaction Of Special Education Teachers In Malaysia. Turkish Journal Of Computer And Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(11), 5274-5278.
  11. Saad, Z. M., Vejaratnam, N., Nordin, M. N. B., Yunus, Y. M., Mokhtar, N. M., Yusof, J., & MS, S. (2021). Case Study: Implementation Of Education Performance Test For Year 3 In Batu Pahat. Linguistica Antverpiensia, 2546-2554.
  12. Nordin, M. N., Vejaratnam, N., Mutalib, N. N. A., Shafiai, S., Jamaluddin, N. S., Johari, S., & Mustafa, J. (2021). Stimulating Self-Confidence Of Special Education Students. Linguistica Antverpiensia, 2687-2696.
  13. Chong, S. C., Heng, H. K., Lim, S. J., Navaratnam, V., & Neoh, A. Z. K. (2021). Financial Risk Tolerance: The Case Of Older Chinese In Klang Valley, Malaysia 2020. International Journal Of Financial Research, 12(2), 1-9.
  14. Kin, C. L., Siong, S. Z., Vejayaratnam, N., Anathuri, A., & Bakar, A. A. (2021). “Theory To Practice” A Conceptual Paper On HRM. Journal Of Global Business And Social Entrepreneurship (GBSE), 7(20).
  15. Bao, H. J., Cheng, H. K., Vejayaratnam, N., Anathuri, A., & Bakar, A. A. (2021). A Study On Human Resource Function: Recruitment, Training And Development, Performance Appraisal And Compensation. Journal Of Global Business And Social Entrepreneurship (GBSE), 7(20).
  16. Amutha., Vejayaratnam,N., & Bakar, A.A. (2020).Hubungan Amalan Kepimpinan Transformasional Dengan Kesediaan Pembelajaran Profesional Terarah Kendiri Guru Sekolah Rendah. Journal of Humanities, Language, Culture and Business (HLCB)4(14), 92-102
  17. Vejayaratnam, N., Paramasivam, T., & Mustakim, S. S. (2019). Digital Entrepreneurial Intention among Private Technical and Vocational Education (TVET) Students. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(12), 110– 120.
  18. Shiveh S, Suhaida A.K, V.Navaratnam, & Soaib A.(2018). Predictor Factors for Collective Leadership: A Case of Secondary Schools. International Journal Of Academic Research In Business And Social Sciences 8 (12)
  19. Navaratnam.V (2016). Impacts of Human Resource Practices and Organization Commitment towards Employee Retention in Selected Bank
  20. Navaratnam.V (2016). Relationship between Safety Management Practices and Safety Behavior among Employees in Manufacturing Company.
  21. Navaratnam.V (2010). Examining the relationship between job satisfaction and employee’s motivation towards employee’s performance In Non-profit institution. Unpublished Master Thesis. UPM
AWARDS & ACHIEVEMENTS Best Teaching Award 2019

Diploma In Business Coordinator (2016-2022)

Fame Business Management & Social Science Conference (2023)

  1. Anathuri, N., Alias, A. B. S., Hamid, A. H. A., & Vejaratnam.N (2024). Exploring the research trends in culturally responsive school leadership: A bibliometric approach. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Community Education and Well-Being (ICCEW 2024) (pp. 210-227).
  2. Noh, H. H. M., Safar, H. N. B., Vejaratnam, N., Guan Meng, A. T., Song Peng, F. G., & Kok. (2024). Guanxi and growth: Family business dynamics and nepotism in China. Paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Scientific and Academic Research (ICSAR 2024), Konya, Turkey.
  3. Batumalay, S., Paramasivam, T., & Vejayaratnam, N (2023). Green Project Performance through Malaysian Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Programmes in Promoting Green Skills Competency. 18th AASVET Conference in Korea, 234-242
  4. Paramasivam, T., Mustapha, R., Vejayaratnam, N (2022) Artificial Intelligence and Competent Human Capital Development through Malaysian Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Programmes in the Industrial Revolution
  5. Vejaratnam, N., Paramasivam, T., & Dayalam S.J.(2021). Relationship between workload, Job stress, work Conflict and Workplace Deviant Behaviour in Selected Technical and Vocational education Training (TVET) Institution.17th AASVET 2021 Conference Proceedings Book.
  6. Paramasivam, T., Dayalam S.J., & Mustapha R., & Vejaratnam. N. (2020). Awareness about 10R Practices through Malaysian Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Programmes in Achieving Industrial Revolution4.0.17th AASVET 2021 Conference Proceedings Book.
  7. Dayalam S.J., Paramasivam, T., & Mustapha R., Vejaratnam. N., & Paramasivam. K (2020). Facility Management Integration through Technical and Vocational education and training (TVET) Programmes towards Global Society Creation. 17th AASVET 2021 Conference Proceedings Book.
  8. Vejaratnam, N., Paramasivam, T., & Paramasivam, K., (2020). Relationship between emotional intelligence and carrier indecision among TVET students in one of the private institution.16th AASVET 2021 Conference Proceedings Book.
  9. Paramasivam, T., Vejaratnam, N., Dayalam S.J.(2020). Adaptation Factors of ICT Tools in TVET Education during Pandemic Covid-19 Movement Control Order: An Investigation in Private TVET Institutions in Klang Valley.[Paper presentation].16th AASVET 2020 Conference. Online Platform.
  10. Vejaratnam, N. (2016).Linking Business Strategies with HRM Functions: Evidence from MNC’s. Business & Management Conference 2016, New Era University College