managed/owned by New Era Edu Sdn Bhd[201401008960 (1085038-D)]
(R/213/6/0354) (18/11/2021 –17/11/2026)
(R2/214/4/0137) (11/08/2020 - 10/08/2025)
(R2/214/4/0093) (28/01/2019 - 29/01/2024)
(R2/211/4/0012) (28/01/2019 - 29/01/2024)
(N/213/4/0365) (10/06/2020 - 09/06/2025)
Graduated Year: 2021
“The design is really a subject with full of possibilities. Although an apparently ordinary thing in our life, it is constantly designed to make our life simple and easy to comprehend, and turned into what we think it's supposed to be. Thanks for the each lecture at NEW ERA' design faculty taught me how to understand design. Hand in hand and gently leads me to achieve my new era!!!”
“Growing up, I was never exactly someone who excelled in school because I never had any interest nor even the motivation to bother studying in middle school and high school. The forced conformity and lack of true self-expression also did not appeal to me. That changed when I entered NEUC as my lecturers were genuinely passionate in what they were teaching which ignited a passion I never thought I would have motivating me to work on bettering myself. I was free to express who I am and what I wanted through the form of my portfolios and presentations.”
“在这3年的学年里,我感到自己有明显的进步也收获了很多知识。平面设计的老师们都会分别从基本知识到主要运用来为我们讲解。这也让我对平面设计有更深层与全面的了解。老师也会教我们使用Adobe软件并且让我们多加练习以便能熟悉及掌握技巧。这些知识能让我们广泛运用在字体设计、包装设计、海报设计等等。也在以后的平面设计上会从审美,字体,构图上色等方面能做具体的分析与专业及正确的选择。 平面设计里也有相当多的课程,素描、2D & 3D设计、陶瓷课程、摄影、广告设计及更多。让我们能接触到在各方面的知识。老师们的授课方式也是我所喜爱的。老师们会非常仔细地讲解课程,也会回答我们所有的疑问。在开始功课前,老师们都会要求我们设想,做参考,规划再通过设计传达作品信息。如果在课业上遇到问题老师们也非常愿意手把手地教我们。如有机会,老师们也会带我们外出参加各种艺术活动。虽然去年及今年因为covid-19的影响采用了线上授课,可是一点也不影响老师们的专业度。老师们也非常欢迎我们随时联系他们来询问功课上的问题。 我认为平面设计这一专业有不错的就业前景和潜力。因为平面设计和各种行业都密切相关。而且随着网络的发达,各个企业都越来越注重品牌及包装的设计。所以平面设计的岗位需求将会越来越大。 ”
“一转眼间,我在新纪元大学学院的Diploma in Graphic Design里历时两年半的大学生活就这样迎来了结束。回顾这两年半,我一个对美术颇有兴趣的中学毕业生,在经过所有课程后,获得了更多创作的能力与技术。 在前期,我们的课程表是比较丰富的。前期的教育更注重于打好基础,而后面几个学期则是更注重于我们的作品品质。在前期,老师会教导我们各种设计方面的基础知识,比如色彩应用——搭配出配色好看的设计、素描——打好绘画基础,学会各种画材应用方式、以及电脑绘图——关于Adobe Illustrator和Photoshop的各种工具功能与用法。 在掌握了这些基础后,我们中期不止能够学到前期课程的进阶版,还有更多丰富的课程。比如摄影,能够学到摄影器材的各种功能与设定——当年同学们拿着相机兴致勃勃地跟着摄影老师走出教室试拍的样子历历在目。不止如此,我们能够在这段时期接触到整个课程的核心——平面设计与字体与排版设计。结合在前期学到的色彩与电脑绘图技巧,我们能够获得让排版更加吸睛且美观的技巧。字体的选用、排版,对于设计来说非常重要。 在后期的课程里,掌握了大致的设计流程的我们能够更加随心所欲地创作。在度了实习期后,还能接触到插画课、动画课之类的课程。当然还有最重要的毕业制作。 我没有后悔当初选择了这间学校。我在这里获得了许多宝贵的知识和回忆。我遇见的美术系导师们都拥有极为强大的美术技能,并且大部分导师都会很耐心与细心地指导我们,帮助我们制作出更好的作品。最后,祝愿各位能找到属于自己的未来!”
“我是黄芷晴,是2018年9月学期入校的平面设计专业文凭的学生。历经了两年半的大学生涯终于迎来了毕业的时刻。 回想起两年来所学过的课堂内容包括演示技巧呈现、素描、色彩学、电脑绘图设计、美术与设计历史、2D立体构成和3D立体构成、摄影、职场写作、插画、平面设计、字体与排版设计、网页设计、视觉文化、基础动画以及广告设计。这些课堂帮助当初的我这么一个画画小白了解到平面设计这个行业的覆盖范围,原来是这么广泛的。课堂安排的功课和时间都很自由,教师也会很耐心的去倾听和解答学生功课上的疑惑,有时还会很友善的请学生吃喝东西。”
Graduated Year: 2017
“I had lecturers who not only taught us design skills but also made us critique and take a stand. It was really important that we solved problems deeply when designing or creating any art piece. The happiest part was to discover what I am really passionate about while in college and to be able to make it my future career.”
“I was a person who lacked confidence and was awkward in expressing myself. The supportive environment in NEUC helped build my confidence. I improved on my communication skills too because we often had to present our work in front of our course mates, lecturers and guests. I also met the most important person in my life in NEUC – my roommate. New Era’s intimate campus size allows us to make more friends easily from other programmes. It’s an intangible factor – something you don’t find easily in the other universities. New Era was the starting point of my dream. The experience here was among the most memorable in my life.”
“Studying graphic design in New Era gave me the freedom to create. That was important for me since the Art & Design Department focuses on individual creativity rather than only on commercial appeal. The school is located in a pleasant campus with lots of club activities to keep both our minds and bodies fresh. Simply put, choosing to study in New Era was the best decision I ever made!”
“I'm grateful that i had so many opportunities to go through different kinds of challenges in New Era University College. Also, a thousand thanks to my lecturers, who guided me throughout this journey. As a result of the various challenges I have faced, I am now a stronger and more refined person.”
“When I first came to NEUC, I was overwhelmed with assignments and projects that had to be completed every day. I soon understood that whoever wants to make it in Art and Design, they need to practice incessantly in order to grow. With guidance from lecturers who were friendly, interactive and helpful, I succeeded. At NEUC, I had the opportunity to learn ceramics and it fed my passion in seeking new experiences and knowledge in Art and Design. Thank you New Era for being a part of my life and for the fond memories.”
Graduated Year: 2008
“Art and Design is a field with uniqueness and creativity. Being a part of the Visual Arts programme at NEUC helped me discover my own potential that I didn’t know existed. I enjoyed my college life. It provided me with a comfortable and safe campus environment. My skills were developed and knowledge of art was built. It taught me to think as a creative mind should. My journey in Art & Design didn’t end when I graduated. I am now a proud owner of an art centre where I can share my knowledge and love of art with other people.”
Graduated Year: 2005
“The Visual Arts programme provided me with rich experiences and the freedom to explore different media and materials during my study. These courses greatly boosted our interests. With the smaller class size, I had the opportunity to interact closely with lecturers and classmates. I enjoyed my time here; New Era helped me find my goal in life and my career as a potter.”
Graduated Year: 2010
“My first impression of classes was of delight. The lecturers were keen on opening our worlds. The lessons engaged many levels – our hands, hearts and minds. There were overseas study trips, local field trips, and hands-on activities. We interacted. It was so different than in secondary school. There’s a spirit in New Era’s Interior programme which forges strong bonds. By the time we graduated, we felt inspired to continue the good work. I went on to do architecture at a local renowned university; it was fine but the New Era experience was of a different level altogether. You can’t replicate that.”
Graduated Year: 2011
“At New Era, I realised I didn't have to be anybody; I could be who I am. There wasn't a heavy-handed system set up to 'brainwash' us. We were encouraged to develop our own personal process without judgement or negativity. We shared. There was none of that kiasu attitude; we just shared whatever we had. That sort of learning environment – non-competitive and cooperative – was a great boost to learning. I still maintain this formula at my workplace today.”
“We have been making choices on the road of life, and every "choice" determines our future. I still remember being in a dilemma between design and media studies before going to degree. The first one is the course I like and the second one is that I can finish my degree within 2 years. After some struggle, I choose the design. Because I know that opportunity won't come again. It is difficult to start everything, and without a design background, there will indeed be a lot of hardships in the design field. I am satisfied with my choices, although it brings a lot of stressful to me. “The harder you work for something, the greater you will feel when you achieve it“. Therefore, there is no pill of regret in the world, so we should all be responsible for our choices. Whatever decision you make now, you have to believe that it is the best arrangement for you right now.”
“I keep reminding myself that life doesn't have too many assumptions and restarts. From the timidity and vigilance in the face of college life to the calmness in the new life later, I have some thoughts on myself. I have no regrets about entering the design industry, I enjoy the process of graphic design, like giving new life to a thing. I am grateful to my family for supporting and encouraging me to study in university. I am also very grateful to the teachers and classmates I met in New Era University College. Our mutual support allowed us to spend an extraordinary university life and grow each other.”
Graduated Year: 2014
“I remember short-listing a few choices for ID programmes after completing secondary school. There were a couple that seemed really attractive but they came with higher fees. I took a chance on New Era because I didn’t want to burden my parents. Inside me, I prayed it would at least be a decent ID programme. My expectations were more than fully met. The classes challenged us to reach our potential - if you’re motivated, you’ll find the space to really grow. There’s a strong student-alumni relationship too. Till today, I am actively involved in events, e-tutorships, industrial training and activities organised by the Interior programme.”