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No. Title
1. Chinese Pioneers in the Development Frontier: the case of Ulu Langat District, Selangor
2. The Incubus of Debt: Poverty among Chinese Settlers in Pre-War Malaya
3. Chinese cultural practices in Malaysia
4. Trends in Malaysian demography and policy response
5. Contemporary issues on the diffusion of Hanyu (Mandarin)
6. The Pioneers and the Land: Local Development in the National Context
7. The Chinese towns of colonial Malaya
8. Selected topics on Malaysian Chinese studies
9. Chinese Business and Development
10. Quality of Life and Its Parameters: The Malaysian Perspective
11. The luck factor in Chinese business
12. Studies on selected Malaysian Chinese socio-economic and historical topics
13. Chinese towns and Chinatowns
14. Values and Governance: with special reference to the Malaysia 2013
15. Historical development of Ulu Langat District,Selangor
16. Aspects of Malaysian Chinese business studies
17. Selected topics on belt and road studies
18. Selected topics on Malaysian Chinese and business studies
19. 马来西亚华人人口研究:马来西亚华人方言群的人口与分布
20. 地方研究:马来西亚华人与地方发展史
 21. 殖民时期研究:二战前马来亚鸦片问题研究、唐人街与华人市镇研究
 22. 一带一路倡议——中国大陆传统与海洋传统的结合
 23. 孔子讲学与现代教育理念
 24. 华人与东南亚国家的经济发展——表现、困境、挑战
 25. “一带一路”与华语传播的前景与挑战
 26. 华人角色与东南亚经济表现之关系
 27. 华人文化与语言研究:文化传承与创新、华文教学与华语传播
  1. 1976. Western Rubber Planting Enterprise in Southeast Asia, 1876-1920. Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press.
  2. 1977. American Rubber Planting Enterprise in the Philippines, 1900-1930. Occasional Paper, Department of Geography, School of Oriental and African Studies, London University.
  3. 1986. Asas Taksiran Peta, Kuala Lumpur: Fajar Bakti.
  4. 1986. (with Khoo Soo Hock) Taksiran Peta untuk Sijil Pelajaran Tinggi, Kuala Lumpur: Longman.
  5. 1987. Indebtedness and Land Use in Pre-War Malaya, with special reference to the Indigenous Society. Tokyo: Visiting Research Fellow Monograph No.142, Institute of Developing Economies.
  6. 1992 (joint ed. with Tunku Shamsul Bahrin), The View From Within: Geographical Essays on Malaysia and Southeast Asia, Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya.
  7. 1992 (joint ed with Thami Munisah), Proceedings of IFLA Workshop on Maps and Spatial Data. Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya.
  8. 1998 (with Lu Zhongwei, Chen Xiurong and Jiang Xiaoyan). China-Japan Relations in Transition: Towards Constructive Partnership in the 21st Century. Kuala Lumpur: Department of East Asian Studies, University of Malaya, Japanese Studies Monograph Series No. 1.
  9. 2002. Chinese Studies in Malaysia: Review and Prognosis, Centre for Malaysian Chinese Studies  Research Series No. 1, Kuala Lumpur (in Chinese and English).
  10. 2003.《长江开发:“海洋”传统与“大陆”传统的结合》,华社研究中心,中国研究系列第一种。
  11. 2004 (ed). The Chinese Population in Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur: Centre for Malaysian Chinese Studies.
  12. 2005 (ed).《乘风破浪济沧海》,华社研究中心20周年纪念特刊,吉隆坡:华社研 究中心。
  13. 2007 (ed). China: Emerging Relations and Development, Kuala Lumpur: Centre for Malaysian Chinese Studies.
  14. 2007 (ed). Malaysian Chinese and Nation-building: Before Merdeka and Fifty Years After, Volume 1, Kuala Lumpur: Centre for Malaysian Chinese Studies.
  15. 2008 (ed). Malaysian Chinese and Nation-building: Before Merdeka and Fifty Years After, Volume 2, Kuala Lumpur: Centre for Malaysian Chinese Studies.
  16. 2009(主编)《马来西亚华人与国家建构:独立前与50年后》,上册,吉隆坡:华社研究中心。
  17. 2009(合编)《勤俭兴邦:马来西亚华人的贡献》,吉隆坡:华社研究中心。
  18. 2010(主编)。《马来西亚华人与国家建构:独立前与50年后》,下册,吉隆坡:华社研究中心。
  19. 2011 (joint ed with Zhang Jijiao). Enterprise Anthropology: Applied Research and Case Study, Proceedings of the Conference on Enterprise Anthropology, 16th International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Beijing.
  20. 2011。《孜孜求索:任重而道远-----华社研究中心1985-2010年》(中英文版),吉隆坡:华社研究中心。
  21. 2018著。《聚族于斯:马来西亚华人研究》,加影与吉隆坡:新纪元大学学院与马来西亚 创价学会。
  22. 2021 (forthcoming). Tang Poems in English: A Selection [《英译唐诗选集》], New Era University College, Kajang, Malaysia.
  1. 1966. Rubber smallholdings - problems and prospects, Geographica (Kuala Lumpur) 2: 44-48.
  2. 1967. The rubber smallholding industry in Selangor, 1895-1920, Journal of Tropical Geography (Singapore) 24: 45-59.
  3. 1968. The rubber latex processing industry in West Malaysia, Geographica 4: 43-49.
  4. 1969. The origins of Chinese place names, Geographica 5: 34-47.
  5. 1971. The rubber plantation industry in Selangor, 1899-1909: a case study of European economic penetration, Geographica 7: 81-98.
  6. 1972. Size aspects of rubber smallholdings in West Malaysia: a case study of Bentong, Pahang, Journal of Tropical Geography, 34: 65-76.
  7. 1973. The rubber industry of Burma, 1876-1964, Journal of Southeast Asian Studies (Singapore) 4: 216-228.
  8. 1976. Malay Reservations and Malay land ownership in Semenyih and Ulu Semenyih mukims, Selangor, Modern Asian Studies (London), 10: 437-445.
  9. 1976. Spatial patterns of agricultural expansion in Semenyih and Ulu Semenyih mukims, Selangor, Journal of Tropical Geography, 43: 69-83.
  10. 1976. Employment and labour in Brunei. In S.H. Khoo et al., Brunei in Transition: Aspects of Its Human Geography in the Sixties. Kuala Lumpur: Occasional Paper No. 2, Department of Geography, University of Malaya: 183-221.
  11. 1976. Commerce and international trade in Brunei. In S.H. Khoo et al., Brunei in Transition: Aspects of Its Human Geography in the Sixties. Kuala Lumpur: Occasional Paper No. 2, Department of Geography, University of Malaya: 222-260.
  12. 1977. Images of the physico-ecological environment in Southeast Asia: some comments on the environmental interpretations of early Western rubber planters, Asian Profile (Hong Kong) 2: 285-299.
  13. 1977. Rural land ownership and development in the Malay Reservations of Peninsular Malaysia, Journal of Southeast Asian Studies (Kyoto), 14 (4): 496-512.
  14. 1977. The adoption of technological innovations in rubber processing: the case of Malaysian smallholders, Malayan Economic Review (Singapore), 22: 33-51.
  15. 1978. Evolution of ethnic patterns of rural landownership in Peninsular Malaysia: a case study, Journal of Southeast Asian Studies (Kyoto), 15(4): 510-529.
  16. 1978. Trends of development in the rubber industry. In Progress and Development in Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur: Malaysian Historical Society: 42-47.
  17. 1981. The rural development programme in Sabah, Malaysia, with reference to the 1970s, Malaysian Journal of Tropical Geography (Kuala Lumpur), 3: 53-67.
  18. 1983. Population movements in the districts of Sabah, Sabah Society Journal (Kota Kinabalu), 7: 213-243.
  19. 1985. Mapping of rural settlements in Sabah, Geographical Review of Korea. Dr. Chung-Myun Lee, 60th Anniversary Papers, 10: 1129-1152.
  20. 1986. Plantation agriculture in Malaysia: the ecological and cultural bases of production, Geography Bulletin (New South Wales), 18 (3): 218-226.
  21. 1989. Geographical information systems and Malaysian geography, Malaysian Geographers Kuala Lumpur), 4: 49-69.
  22. 1990. National mapping and the needs of the information society, The Surveyor (Kuala Lumpur), 25 (2): 50-57.
  23. 1990. Geographical education in Malaysia, Malaysian Journal of Tropical Geography, 21(2): 97-111.
  24. 1990. 〈华人对马来西亚橡胶业拓展作用之研究〉,载苏泽霖、陈金永(合编),《地 理研究与发展研讨会论文集》,香港:香港大学出版社: 277-290。
  25. 1992. Geography at Pantai Valley: the first thirty years at the University of Malaya. In Voon Phin Keong and Tunku Shamsul Bahrin (eds), The View From Within: Geographical Essays on Malaysia and Southeast Asia. Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya: 3-34.
  26. 1992. Evolution of land-use patterns in Peninsular Malaysia. In Voon Phin Keong and Tunku Shamsul Bahrin (eds), The View From Within: Geographical Essays on Malaysia and Southeast Asia. Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya: 322-350.
  27. 1992. Publications and dissertations of the Department of Geography, University of Malaya, 1959-90. In Voon Phin Keong and Tunku Shamsul Bahrin (eds), The View From Within: Geographical Essays on Malaysia and Southeast Asia. Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya: 467-491.
  28. 1994. Malaysia and Pacific Asia: emerging economic patterns and relations, Malaysian Journal of Tropical Geography, 25 (2): 143-159.
  29. 1995. The changing human ecology of smallholding agriculture in Malaysia. In Komoguchi Yoshimi (ed), Human Ecology in Malaysia, Tokyo: Institute for Applied Geography, Komazama University: 3-15.
  30. 1996. The role of editors of journals in the social sciences, Sarjana (Kuala Lumpur), 13:113- 127.
  31. 1996. Sustainability of rural land-use systems in Malaysia: the implications of development policies. In Hiroshi Sasaki et al. (eds), Geographical Perspectives on Sustainable Rural Systems. Tokyo: Kaisei Publications: 461-471.
  32. 1998. Changes in land use. In Encyclopedia of Malaysia. Volume 1: The Environment, Singapore: Editions Didier Miller: 90-91.
  33. 1999. The political ecology of agricultural pioneering in Malaysia, APC Journal (Fukuoka), No. 4: 49-58.
  34. 2000. Tourism and the environment: the case of Tioman Island, Malaysia. In Teh Tiong Sa (ed), Islands of Malaysia: Issues and Challenges, Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya IRPA R&D Project No. 02-08-03-0237: 151-170.
  35. 2001. Asian Studies in Malaysia: an overview, Jati (Journal of the Department of Southeast Asian Studies, University of Malaya)
  36. 2001. The Chinese merchant then and now: emergence and social position inside China and out, Journal of Malaysian Chinese Studies, 4: 79-112.
  37. 2002. Spatial division and ethnic exclusion: a study of ethnic relations in Malaysia, Journal of Malaysian Chinese Studies, 5: 81-105.
  38. 2002.〈马来西亚华人研究:略论其进展与前瞻〉,华社研究中心《华研研究论文系 列》,第一种/Chinese Studies in Malaysia: Review and Prognosis, Centre for Malaysian Chinese Studies (CMCS) Research Series No. 1, Kuala Lumpur (中英语)。
  39. 2003。〈长江开发:“海洋”传统与“大陆”传统的结合〉,《华研中国研究系列》第一种,吉隆坡:华社研究中心。
  40. 2004。〈马来西亚华人人口研讨:主题与观点〉,载文平强主编《马来西亚华人人口---趋势与议题》,吉隆坡:华社研究中心:页 1-13。
  41. 2004。〈马来西亚华人人口比率下降:事实与对策〉,载文平强主编《马来西亚华人人口--- 趋势与议题》,吉隆坡:华社研究中心:页59-78。
  42. 2004。〈马来西亚华人新村:人口变化与应付建议〉载文平强主编《马来西亚华人人口---趋 势与议题》,吉隆坡:华社研究中心:页 177-198。
  43. 2005。〈从空间的视角探讨马来西亚华人经济与社会的变动〉,载何国忠编《百年回眸:马华社会与政治》,吉隆坡:华社研究中心:页19-45。
  44. 2005. The use of maps for socio-economic studies with reference to Malaysia, INTI Journal, 1 (5): 466-476.
  45. 2005. The Chinese in Malaysian development: a spatial perspective of two centuries of social and economic change, Asian Culture (Singapore), No. 29: 1-23.
  46. 2006。〈马来西亚华人社团——角色、功能与特征〉,《全国华团总名册》,吉隆坡:华 总与星洲日报出版:15-21页。
  47. 2005。〈马来西亚华人社会对郑和的集体记忆〉,《马来西亚华人研究学刊》, 第八期:页87-97。
  48. 2005。〈学报编辑的工作与角色---以《马来西亚华人研究学报》为例〉。载《乘风破浪济沧海》,华社研究中心20周年纪念特刊,吉隆坡:华社研究中心:页175-178。
  49. 2006. Development of the Yangtze River: convergence of the “maritime” and “continental” traditions. In Md Nasrudin Md Akhir (ed), Asia Timur Era Globalisasi:Cabaran dan Masa Depan, Kuala Lumpur: Penerbit Universiti Malaya: 189-203.
  50. 2006。〈空间隔离与族群排斥:马来西亚的族群关系〉,载李元瑾编《新马印华人:文化与国家建构》,新加坡:南洋理工大学:页123-148。
  51. 2006. Bridging the disciplinary divide: an exploration of the linkages between themes in Chinese Studies and contemporary issues. Festchrift in Honour of Professor Ang Tian Se, Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Chinese Studies Alumni: 299-336.
  52. 2006。〈 西马乡区族群土地所有权之演变的个案研究〉,《马来西亚华人研究学刊》,第九期:页35-58。
  53. 2007。〈华人移民与环境适应------探讨马来西亚客家人的经济适应与变迁〉,《马来西亚华人研究学刊》, 第十期:页19-34。
  54. 2007。〈中国与全球化的互动关系〉,载何国忠编《全球化话语下的中国及马来西亚》,Kuala Lumpur: Institute of China Studies: 13-27。
  55. 2007. China’s development and regional relations in a new era. In Voon Phin Keong (ed), China: Emerging Relations and Development, Kuala Lumpur: Centre for Malaysian Chinese Studies: 1-17.
  56. 2007. State and nation: an overview and Malaysian perspective. In Voon Phin Keong (ed),Malaysian Chinese and Nation-building, Vol. 1,Kuala Lumpur: Centre for Malaysian Chinese Studies, 2007: 1-42.
  57. 2007. Pioneers, entrepreneurs, and labourers: building the social and economic foundations of statehood. In Voon Phin Keong (ed),Malaysian Chinese and Nation- building, Vol. 1,Kuala Lumpur: Centre for Malaysian Chinese Studies, 2007: 43-94.
  58. 2007. The Chinese in Sabahan society and economy: overview and prognosis. In Voon Phin Keong (ed),Malaysian Chinese and Nation-building, Vol. 1, Kuala Lumpur: Centre for Malaysian Chinese Studies, 2007: 393-428.
  59. 2007。〈马来西亚华裔人口与方言群的分布〉,《华研通讯》第一期:27-35。
  60. 2009. Major demographic changes in Malaysia: future trends and implications. In Lim Teck Ghee and Toh Kin Woon (eds), Meeting Challenges in the Coming 20 Years: A Plan of Action for Malaysians, Kuala Lumpur: Federation of Chinese Assembly Halls.
  61. 2008 China’s energy needs and economic relations. In Yeoh Kok Kheng (ed), Facets of A Transforming China: Resource, Trade and Equity, Kuala Lumpur: Institute of China Studies.
  62. 2008. Education and culture: the “soft” contributions in nation-building. In Voon Phin Keong (ed), Malaysian Chinese and Nation-building: Before Merdeka and Fifty Years After, Volume 2, Kuala Lumpur: Centre for Malaysian Chinese Studies: 637-672.
  63. 2008. Whither the Malaysian nation-state? In Voon Phin Keong (ed), Malaysian Chinese and Nation-building: Before Merdeka and Fifty Years After, Volume 2, Kuala Lumpur: Centre for Malaysian Chinese Studies: 729-767.
  64. 2009. The Chinese New Villages in Malaysia: impact of demographic changes and response strategies. In M. Fujimaki (ed), A Study on Regional and Ethnic Diversities of Poverty Problem in Malaysia, Kyoto: College of Letters, Ritsumeikan University: 53-84.
  65. 2009. Population movements and the Chinese community in Malaysia. In Leo Suryadinata (ed), Chinese Migration in Comparative Perspectives: Adaptation and Development,
    Singapore: Chinese Heritage Centre.
  66. 2011〈马来西亚独立后的政治变迁-----迈向民主的过渡期〉。载许利平主编,《全球化背景下的亚洲社会与文化》,重庆:重庆人民出版社’256-275。
  67. 2010. 〈华人与东南亚经济〉,《东南亚研究》(广州暨南大学),第五期:55-64。
  68. 2012. Bold Entrepreneurs and uncommon enterprises: the Malaysian Chinese experience, Malaysian Journal of Chinese Studies, 1: 101-118.
  69. 2012.〈马来西亚华文教育与筹款活动-----华人文化傳統的实践〉,《马来西亚人文与社会科学学报》,第一期:1-17。
  70. 2012.〈马来西亚华人新村:人口变化的影响与对策〉,《东南亚研究》(广州暨南大    学),第五期:73-81。
  71. 2013。〈马来西亚华人文化-----传承与创新〉,《东南亚纵横》(广西社会科学院),第7期:46-51。
  72. 2013. Transforming the development frontier: Chinese pioneers in the Ulu Langat District of Selangor, Malaysia, Malaysian Journal of Chinese Studies, 2 (2): 45-64.
  73. 2016.〈孔子教学理念与“成果为本教育”探析——以马来西亚为例〉,载王淑慧 主编《华语文教学的理论与实践》,新纪元学院出版。
  74. 2016.〈马来西亚华人义山------文化、环境、可持续性〉, 廖文辉 主编《《马来西亚华人民俗  研究论文集》,加影:新纪元大学学院,2017年2月,页285-295。
  75. 2017.〈略论马来西亚福建及其他方言群的人口与分布〉,林忠强、王睿欣主编《拓展与传承 :海上丝绸之路上的福建人》,吉隆坡:雪兰莪和吉隆坡福建会馆、加影:新纪元大学学院,2017年6月,页77-104。
  76. 2017. The Chinese and their role in the economic performance in Southeast Asia. In The Chinese in Southeast Asia: Towards a New Era, edited by Mok Soon Chong and Ng Yean Leng, Seri Kembangan: The Federation of Chinese Associations Malaysia: 247-266. (in Chinese)
  77. 2018. H’ng Ah Seng: The one and only entrepreneur and philanthropist. In Philanthropists of Malaysia and Singapore, edited by Mok Soon Chong, Kajang: New Era University College: 128-153. (in Chinese)
  78. 2018. The Chinese Language and the Maritime Silk Road: Growth, Trends and Prospects,Malaysian Journal of Chinese Studies, 6 (1&2), also published as “一带一路”与华语传播的前景与挑战,载伍燕翎、黄斗编,《南宁研讨会,2016》,加影:新纪元大学学院,2018。
  1. 1974 (with Khoo Soo Hock and George Cho). The Teluk Bahang fishermen's settlement scheme: a comment on the modular concept of housing, Royal Australian Planning Institute Journal (Sydney): 63-69.
  2. 1975 (with Khoo Soo Hock). Rural-urban migration in Peninsular Malaysia: a case study of Sg. Ruan new village, Pahang, Ekistics (Athens) 39: 405-408.
  3. 1977 (with Khoo Soo Hock and Zaharah Mahmud). Formula for dynamism in the teaching of geography in Bahasa Malaysia. In Asmah Haji Omar and Noor Ein Mohd. Noor (eds), National Language as Medium of Instruction. Kuala Lumpur: 255-271.
  4. 1978 (with Khoo Soo Hock). Traditional housing in Southeast Asia: an aspect of cultural geography, Malaysian Geographers 1: 59-80.
  5. 1978 (with Khoo Soo Hock). The youth schemes in Malaysia: an experiment in land development, Southeast Asian Journal of Social Science (Singapore) 6: 17-26.
  6. 1979 (Khoo Soo Hock and Zaharah Mahmud). Integrated surveys for socio-economic change among the Orang Asli in Peninsular Malaysia, Federated Museums Journal (Kuala Lumpur)
    24: 145-159.
  7. 1979 (with Khoo Soo Hock and Tunku Shamsul Bahrin). Padi farming in Kemubu, Kelantan: rural poverty and farm consolidation, Land Development Digest (Kuala Lumpur) 2: 1-24.
  8. 1979 (with Khoo Soo Hock). The expandable core house and the lower income groups in Peninsular Malaysia, Malaysian Geographers 2: 37-60.
  9. 1980 (with Khoo Soo Hock). Upland development and settlement in Malaysia, Malaysian Journal of Tropical Geography 1: 43-56.
  10. 1981 (with Khoo Soo Hock). The rumah banjir in Peninsular Malaysia: a new settlement type, Ekistics 48: 471-475.
  11. 1981 (with Khoo Soo Hock). Origins and characteristics of agricultural settlements in Peninsular Malaysia. In R. Eidt, Kashi N. Singh and Rana P.B. Singh (eds), Man, Culture and Settlements, Varanasi: 52-67.
  12. 1986 (with Khoo Soo Hock). An overview of the impact of the petroleum industry in Kerteh, Trengganu, Malaysia, Malaysian Journal of Tropical Geography 13: 46-59.
  13. 1986 (with Khoo Soo Hock). Resettlement: an aspect of the Orang Asli settlement in Peninsular Malaysia. Geography Bulletin (New South Wales) 18 (3): 266-278.
  14. 1987 (with Khoo Soo Hock). The new villages in Peninsular Malaysia: a socio-economic overview. Malaysian Journal of Tropical Geography 14: 36-55.
  15. 1989 (with Khoo Soo Hock). Peer review and the role of the editorial board: the Malaysian experience with reference to geographical journals, Proceedings of Seminar on the Role of Journal Editors (Kuala Lumpur): 15-30.
  16. 1992. Activities and current status of national mapping in Malaysia. In Voon Phin Keong and Thami Munisah (eds), Proceedings: IFLA Workshop on Spatial Data and Maps. Kuala Lumpur: 26-37.
  17. 1992 (with Teh Tiong Sa). Impact of sea level rise and the coastal zone. Consultant report submitted to World Wildlife Fund Malaysia project on National Conservation Strategy for Malaysia.
  18. 1992 (with Teh Tiong Sa). Land use and the environment in the South Kinabalu Highlands, Sabah, Malaysian Journal of Tropical Geography 23 (2): 103-118.
  19. 1992 (with Teh Tiong Sa). Impact of sea level rise in West Johor, Malaysia, Malaysian Journal of Tropical Geography 23 (2): 93-102.
  20. 1998 (with Teh Tiong Sa and Chan Kok Eng). Geography of Malaysia. Background paper, GEF-ISIS Project on "Assessment of Impacts of Climate Change on Key Economic Sectors in Malaysia", March 1998.
  21. 2014 (with Fan Pikwah, Wong Siew Kuen and Wu Fengguan. Chinese cemeteries and environmental ethics: some insights from Malaysia《哲學與文化月刊》 (UNIVERSITAS: Monthly Review of Philosophy and Culture), 47(7): 85-105.
  22. 2014 (with Ee Chong Huat and Lee Kim Sin). The deification of Sheng Ming Li as Xian Shi Ye: process and cultural significance, Malaysian Journal of Chinese Studies, 3 (1): 37-59.
  1. 2012. Review of My Story by Lim Goh Tong, Subang Jaya: Pelanduk Publications, 2004 and林煜堂,《黃慶昌傳》,古晋:利明印務有限公司, 2005. Malaysian Journal of Chinese Studies, 1: 148-151
  2. 2012. Review of Chinese Circulations: Capital, Commodities, and Networks in Southeast Asia, edited by Eric Tagliacozzo and Chang Wen-Chin, USA: Duke University Press, The China Review (Hong Kong).
  3. 2013 Review of Chinatowns in a Globalizing Southeast Asia, edited by Leo Suryadinata and Ang Cher Kiat, Malaysian Journal of Chinese Studies, 2 (1): 107-110.
  4. 2013. Review of Chinese Capitalism in Colonial Malaya 1900-1941, by William Tai Yuen, Malaysian Journal of Chinese Studies, 2 (2): 81-84.
  5. Voon Phin Keong and Goh Ching Seng 2020. Chinese education in Malaysia. A review of Resistance and compromise: The influence of Malaysian ethnic Chinese community on the policy setting of mother language education among ethnic Chinese [抗争与妥协----马来西亚华社对华族母语教育政策制定的影响] by Chun-Yan Hu [胡春艳]. Jinan University Press, 2012, 236 pp.
  6. 2021. Malayan epidemiologist Dr. Wu Lien-Teh: The forgotten hero. A review of The Plague Fighter: The biography of a modern Chinese physician by Wu Lien-Teh. Penang: Areca Books, 2014. (Original edition published in 1959, Cambridge: W. Heffer & Sons Ltd.) 667 pp.


  1. 2005 <华社研究中心——定位、研究、展望>:页68-74。
  2. 2005 <华社研究中心与研究工作>:页75-80。
  3. 2005 <马来西亚的中国研究>:页121-124。
  4. 2005 <略论人口研究>:页136-140。
  5. 2005 <略论华人新村研究状况>:页149-153。


  1. 2007 <抗日纪念碑>,《华研通讯》第1期:页23-26。
  2. 2007 <马来西亚华裔人口与方言群的分布>,《华研通讯》第1期:页27-35。
  3. 2007 <华社六‘怪’>,《华研通讯》第2期:页28-33。
  4. 2007 Cultural dynamics and Chinese family life,《华研通讯》第2期:页34-40。
  5. 2007 Translation of Tang Poems,《华研通讯》第2期:页48-48。
  6. 2008 When petty men ruled: the Malaysian general election of 2008,《华研通讯》第3期:页1-7。
  7. 2008 <文化传统与华人社会的乱象>,《华研通讯》第4期:页10-14。
  8. 2008 Translation of Tang Poems,《华研通讯》第4期:页64-65。
  9. 2009 On being marginal and marginalized: an exploration,《华研通讯》第5-6期:页22-24。
  10. 2009 <中国科技史的杰出学者:何丙郁教授>,《华研通讯》第5-6期:页4-7。
  11. 2009 Translation of Tang Poems,《华研通讯》第5-6期:页55-56。


  1. 2005 <大马华社唯一研究机构——华研踏实前瞻>,《南洋商报》,10月16日。
  2. 2005 <大马华社唯一研究机构——华研力图突破困境>,《南洋商报》,10月18日。
  3. 2005 <历史的包袱——日本与邻国关系恶化祸根>,《星洲日报》,4月25-26日。
  4. 2005 <霾害——共有自然遗产的悲剧>,《星洲日报》,8月20日。
  5. 2006 <春节:家庭与道德价值的实践>,《星洲日报》,1月24日。
  6. 2006 <吉隆坡的华人地名>,《南洋商报》,6月1日。
  7. 2006 <中国——海洋、崛起、发展>,《南洋商报》,5月8-10日。
  8. 2006 <人文研究的困境>,《星洲日报》,11月4日。
  9. 2008 <细数华社‘怪’现象>,《星洲日报》,9月7日。
  10. 2008 <成立华人档案馆>,《星洲日报》,8月1日。
  11. 2008 <大马华人:移民、居民、公民>,《星洲日报》,9月9日。
  12. 2009 <文化传统与华人社会的乱象>,《星洲日报》,4月5日。
  13. 2009 <华社的研究所、档案馆和博物馆>,《星洲日报》,8月5日。
  14. 2009 <中国科技史上杰出学者:马大中文系荣誉教授何丙郁>,《南洋商报》,9月3日。
  15. 2012〈华文教育与筹款活动〉,《南洋商报》言论版: 教育视窗9月16日。
  16. 2012〈华文教育与筹款活动〉,《南洋商报》: 言论版-教育视窗,文章刊载,9月16日。
  17. 2014〈开幕仪式该击锣还是打鼓?〉,《星洲日报》活力俯瞰4月15日。
  18. 2014〈大马华人研究的“开山鼻祖” 〉,《东方日报》6月27日。
  19. 2017 “‘一带一路’与中华文化的交流和传播”,《星洲日报》8月15日。
  1. 2010. The Chinese New Year and what it means: the whole is more than the sum of its parts, 《新院视野》,新纪元学院,(10月号)。
  2. 2011.Research in a college: a neglected necessity,《新院视野》新纪元学院,(1月号)。
  3. 2012.“Ho Peng Yoke”, in Southeast Asian Personalities of Chinese Descent: A Biographical Dictionary, Volume 1: 342-345, edited by Leo Suryadinata, Singapore: Chinese Heritage Centre and Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.
  4. 2012.〈20世纪马来西亚客家社群的分布情况〉,载《茶阳之声》50期纪念刊,新加坡茶阳(大埔)会馆《茶阳之声》50期纪念刊.
  5. 2019. Who says I am retired. Xinguang Magazine, New Era University Bulletin, Vol 9: 42-45.
  6. 2019. The Chinese New Year: A holistic view. Xinguang Magazine, New Era University Bulletin, Vol. 10: 42-45.
  7. 2020. Covid-19 2020: Outbreak and Heartbreak. Xinguang Magazine, New Era University Bulletin, Vol. 11.
  8. 2021. Dr. Wu Lien-Teh the Plague Fighter: A Forgotten Malayan Hero, Xinguang Magazine, New Era University Bulletin, Vol. 12: 35-38.
  1. 21st Congress of the International Geographical Union, New Delhi, December 1968. Presented paper on "The rubber processing industry in West Malaysia".
  2. Regional Conference of the International Geographical Union, Palmerston North, New Zealand, December 1974. Presented paper on "Spatial patterns of expansion of agricultural land use in Peninsular Malaysia" and a joint paper on "Rural-urban migration in Peninsular Malaysia: a case study".
  3. 23rd Congress of the International Geographical Union, Moscow, July 1976. Presented paper on "Crop-combination regions in Peninsular Malaysia" and a joint paper on "Rural-urban migration in Peninsular Malaysia: some comments".
  4. Symposium on Appropriate Technology, Association of Southeast Asian Institutes of Higher Learning, Jakarta, June 1976. Presented paper on "The adoption of technological innovations in rubber processing: the case of Malaysian smallholders".
  5. 4th Conference of the Asian Association of National Languages Kuala Lumpur, July 1977. Presented a joint paper on "Formula for dynamism in the teaching of geography in Bahasa Malaysia".
  6. Seminar on Expandable Core Housing, Kuala Lumpur, August 1978. Presented a joint paper on "The expandable core house and the lower income groups in Peninsular Malaysia".
  7. Seminar on Orang Asli Ethnology, Kuala Lumpur, May 1978. Presented joint papers on "Integrated surveys for socio-economic change among the Orang Asli in Peninsular Malaysia" and "Resettlement: an aspect of the Orang Asli settlement in Peninsular Malaysia.
  8. Conference on Southeast Asian Studies, Kota Kinabalu, November 1978. Presented a joint paper on "Traditional housing in Southeast Asia: an aspect of cultural geography".
  9. Conference on Transformation of Rural Habitats, Commission on Transformation of Rural Habitats of the International Geographical Union, Varanasi, India, December 1979. Presented joint papers on "Padi farming in Kemubu, Kelantan: rural poverty and farm consolidation" and "Upland development and settlement in Malaysia".
  10. 24th Congress of the International Geographical Union, Tokyo, August 1980. Served as Chairperson of a session.
  11. Conference on Rural Development, Commission on Rural Development of the International Geographical Union, Fresno, USA, May 1981. Presented paper on "The rural development programme in Sabah, Malaysia, with reference to the 1970s".
  12. 6th Congress of the International Geographical Union, Sydney, August 1988. Presented paper on "Evolution of land-use patterns in Malaysia".
  13. Seminar on the Role of the Editor in Journal Editing. PEPET-MARDI, Serdang, Malaysia, May 1988. Presented a joint paper on "Peer review and the role of the editorial board: the Malaysian experience with geographical journals".
  14. 香港大学地理系与中国社科院地理研究所联合办“地理研究与发展研讨会”(发表论文:〈华人对马来西亚橡胶业拓展作用之研究〉,香港,1990年3月。
  15. Conference on Geography in the ASEAN Region, Brunei Darussalam, June 1990. Presented paper on "Geography education in Malaysia: country paper".
  16. SARBICA Seminar on Management of Architectural and Cartographic Materials. Singapore, November 1991. Presented paper on "Cartographic materials for socio-economic research".
  17. International Federation of Library Association (IFLA) Workhop on Spatial Data and Maps. Kuala Lumpur, June 1991. Presented a joint paper on "Activities and current status of national mapping in Malaysia". Served as member of Organising Committee, resource person, chairperson of session and senior editor of conference proceedings.
  18. Second Conference of Geography on the ASEAN Region, Yogjakarta, September. Presented joint papers on "Land use and the environment in the South Kinabalu Highlands, Sabah" and "Sea level rise in West Johor".  Elected Co-Chairman of Association of ASEAN Geographers, 1992-94.
  19. International Conference on The Asia -Pacific and Global Geopolitical Change, Commission on the World Political Map, International Geographical Union, Tokyo, September 1993. Presented paper on "Malaysia and Pacific Asia: emerging economic pat-terns and relations".
  20. The Third International Conference on Geography of the ASEAN Region. Kuala Lumpur, October 1994. Presented paper on "Land use and sustainable development in small islands: the case of Tioman Island". Served as General Secretary of Organising Committee, chairman of session and editor of selected conference papers. Re-elected Co-Chairman of the Association of Southeast Asian Geographers, 1994-96.
  21. The XVIII Pacific Science Congress, Beijing. June, 1995. Presented a paper on "Emerging Southeast Asia: major issues and problems" and a joint paper on "Implications of climate change and sea level rise on agricultural production on the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia".
  22. Tsukuba International Conference on the Sustainability of Rural Systems, Tsukuba University, August 1995. Presented keynote paper on "Sustainability of rural land-use systems in Malaysia: the implications of development policies".
  23. Conference on the Prospective of 21st Century's Social and Cultural Development, Liaoning University, Shenyang, August 1996. Presented paper on "Social and cultural development in Malaysia: some policy lessons".
  24. Seminar on GEF-ISIS Project on Assessment of Impacts on Climate Change on Key Economic Sectors of Malaysia, Melaka, March 1998. Presented a joint paper on "Geography of Malaysia: background paper".
  25. Asian Studies in Asia Workshop, Hua Hin, Thailand, April 1998. Presented paper on "Asian Studies in Malaysia: Current status and prospects".
  26. 中国地理学会长江分会主办“长江经济带与西部大开发” 研讨会,西南师范大学,重庆北碚,2002年10月。(发表论文) :<长江流域的发展:海洋性与大陆性传统的融合>。
  27. 新加坡2002年11月(发表论文) :<空间隔离与族群关系>
  28. 华社研究中心,创价学会与中华独中校友会联办“马来西亚华人人口研讨:主题与观点” ,2003年8月3日。(发表2篇论文) :〈马来西亚华人人口比率下降:事实与对策〉及 〈马来西亚华人新村:人口变化与应付建议〉。
  29. Second International Conference of Institutes & Libraries for Overseas Studies, “Transnational Networks: Challenges in Research and Documentation of the Chinese Overseas”, organized by the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Ohio University, Hong Kong, March 13-15, 2003 (submitted paper): “‘Community Studies’ in Malaysia and the Centre for Malaysian Chinese Studies”.
  30. 华社研究中心与马华公会策略研究局联合主办,"马来西亚华人社会百年:回顾与前瞻"学术研讨会,吉隆坡,2003年11月22-23日。(发表论文):〈从空间的視角探讨马来西亚华人经济与社会的变动〉。
  31. 亞太客家华文节:客家.族群.多元文化学术研讨会,台湾苗粟学雪霸公园管理处, 2003年12月13-14日, (发表论文) :〈马来西亚客家人与族群关系〉。
  32. 华社研究中心、武汉大学与东方日报联办“马中建交30周年纪念国际学术研讨会:马中关系-新世界秩序中的定位),吉隆坡,11月 27-28日 (策划、召集与发表论文):《中国与东南亚能源合作的情景》。
  33. 中国地理学会2004年学术年会暨海峡两岸地理学术研讨会,广州 12月3-5日 (发表论文:〈东亚地方命名与空间组织的研究〉。
  34. 华社研究中心研讨会,“马来西亚华人研究:新的视野” 研讨会,2 July 2005, Petaling Jaya,发表“Malaysian Chinese Studies – Reaching Out” 。
  35. 江苏省纪念郑和下西洋600周年国际学术论坛:传承文明、走向世界、和平发展,2005年7月4-6日,南京:发表论文:”Zheng He in the Collective Memory of Chinese Communities in the Contemporary Setting“。
  36. Conference on Issues, Problems and Prospects in Southeast Asia: The Geographical Perspective, Department of Geography, University of Malaya, 12-13 Sept 2005, Petaling Jaya, 发表论文:“Development and change in Peninsular Malaysia: a spatio-temporal perspective”。
  37. 马来亚大学中文系校友会主办:第二届马来西亚传统汉学研讨会——旧传统、新诠释,马大中文系毕业生协会(中协) 主办/马大中文系协办,2005年9月17-18日 吉隆坡. 发表论文:〈古代中国、日本、朝鲜的地方命名与空间组织〉。
  38. 世界客属第20届恳亲大会2005年10月12-14日,成都:(呈交论文)<略论马来西亚客家人的环境适应与经济活动的变迁>。
  39. 〈空间隔离与族群排斥:马来西亚的族群关系〉,《新马印华人:文化与国家》,李元瑾编,新加坡:南洋理工大学。
  40. China’s Energy Needs and Economic Relations with reference to Southeast Asia”, paper presented at the Conference on China and the World, the World and China, University of Malaya, 2007 5-6 August.
  41. 华社研究中心与华总联合主办“马来西亚华人的贡献与国家进展”学术研讨会(发表论文:〈文化与经、商活动——探讨马来西亚华人与国家进展的关系〉,金马皇宫酒店,2007年10月6-7日。
  42. International Conference on Chinese Migration in Comparative Perspectives: Adaptation and Development, organized by The Centre for Chinese Language and Culture, NTU and Chinese Heritage Centre,. Presented paper on “Population movements and the Malaysian Chinese dilemma”, Singapore, 2007 October 26-27.
  43. 中华民国海外华人研究学会主办”海外华人的文化变迁与文物维护”国际学术研讨会,(发表论文: Malaysian Chinese Studies and archival resources: overview of current state of progress, 台北2008年12月。
  44. 砂拉越华人文化协会主办第五届砂拉越华人文化研讨会,(发表文论:Chinese culture and business in Malaysia: contributions of the Chinese community, 诗巫, 2009 April.
  45. The Conference of the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences. Presented paper on “Bold entrepreneurs and uncommon enterprises: the Malaysian Chinese experience”. Kunming 2009, July.
  46. 中国社科院亚太研究所主办“全球化背景下的亚洲社会与文化”研讨会。(发表文论:〈马来西亚独立后的政治变迁-----迈向民主的过渡期〉,北京2009年9月。
  47. 2010 Joint International Conference Global Diaspora and Multiculturism. Presented paper on The Chinese Diaspora and the Economic Performance of Southeast Asian Countries, Korea University, Seoul, 23 February 2010.
  48. 2011.〈马来西亚社团与华人研究------进展与挑战〉,发表于2011年5月13-17侨大学厦门校区主办海外华侨华人社团建设国际研讨会“网络时代的海外华侨华人社团建设”国际研讨会.
  49. Major demographic changes in Malaysia: future trends and implications, International Conference on Population Dynamism of Asia: Issues and Challenges Ahead, 11-13 July 2011, Department of Geography, University of Malaya.
  50. China-ASEAN Cooperation among Government, Enterprises and Universities: Some Comments, China-ASEAN Government-Industry-University Tripartite Cooperation Forum ( 贵阳财经大学“官、产、学”论坛) 16-19 Aug 2011.
  51. 〈马来西亚华人文化----传承与创新〉,第七届海外人才与中国发展国际学术研讨会(Seventh International Symposium of Overseas Talents and the Development of China),湖北武汉·华中师范大学桂苑宾馆,2012年6月8-10日。
  52. 〈华文教学与华语传播------趋势与挑战〉,“第九届东南亚华文教学研讨会”, 董教总教育中心(非营利)有限公司,雪兰莪加影董教总新纪元学院以及Oriental Crystal酒店,2012年6月29日至7月1日。
  53. Business professional training for a humane society: the role of cultural integrity and ethical principles, The Fifth China-Asean Education Collaboration Week Seminar of Business Professional Training in the China-ASEAN Free Trade Zone, Guiyang, China, 16-19 September 2012.
  54. 〈开发边区的华人殖拓者------以二战前的雪兰莪州乌鲁冷岳区为例〉, 第三届马来西亚“英殖民时期研究”学术交流会英殖民时期马来亚、砂拉越及北婆(沙巴)的华人社会, 2012年9月30日,诗巫 砂拉越华族文化协会。
  55. ‘Chinatowns’ and ‘Chinese Towns’: some comments on their origins, status and characteristics, Conference on “Malaysian Chinese in Historical Context: Interpretation and Assessment”(历史背景下的马来西亚华人:诠释与研究),24-25 November 2012,New Era College, Kajang.
  56. 〈马来亚二战前华人与鸦片问题〉, “历史背景下的马来西亚华人:诠释与研究”研讨会,2012年11月24-25日,加影新纪元学院。
  57. “Values and governance: with special reference to the Malaysia experience and its lessons”, “经济全球化与亚洲的选择——亚洲智慧:在多元中寻求和谐发展”大会和“全球治理  和亚洲智慧”分论坛,复旦大学上海论坛, 上海2013年5月25-27日.
  58. Changes and trends in Malaysian demography: implications and policy response, paper presented at the Conference on Exploring and Revisiting Issues in Malaysian Chinese Research, New Era College, 8-9 November 2014.
  59. Mandarin in the Maritime Silk Road Region: Trends and Prospects, paper presented at the International Academic Symposium on “Overseas Chinese and the New Silk Road”, Jinan University, Guangzhou, 13-14 December 2014.
  60. Memory of the Japanese Occupation in Malaya, 1941-1945: Atrocities, Remembrance, Lessons, Paper presented at “The 70th Anniversary of the Victory in the World Anti-Fascist War and the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression”, 中国社会科学院, 北京2015年9 月2-3日。
  61. 〈孔子教学理念与“成果为本教育”探析——以马来西亚为例〉,华语文教学的理论与实践 学术研讨会,新纪元学院,2015年9月5日。
  62. 〈马来西亚华人义山------文化、环境、可持续性〉, 马来西亚华人民俗研究学术研讨会,  新纪元学院2015年10月10-11日.
  63. 〈略论马来西亚福建及其他方言群的人口与分布〉,第二届东南亚福建学研讨会,马来西 八打灵市,2015年12月12-13日。
  64. 〈华人角色与东南亚经济表现之关系〉,第一届东南亚华人研究国际会议: 马来西亚华人的过去,现在与未来,马来西亚拉曼大学,2016年4月16-17日。
  65. 〈“一带一路”与华语传播的前景与挑战〉,2016 南宁 · 中马华人华文国际学术研讨会,  中国广西师范学院和马来西亚新纪元大学学院发起、中马华人华文研究中心承办, 2016年10月28日-30日。
  66. 〈马来西亚在2000年至2030年的人口发展趋势及其影响〉, “马来西亚华人人口——探讨社会与人口变迁的趋势”论坛,新纪元大学校园2017年6月10日。
  67. Quality of Life and Its Parameters: The Malaysian Perspective, 教育与生命质量学术展望国际学术研讨会,中国:重庆西南大学,2017年9月23-24日。
  68. 成败论英雄-----试探东南亚华人的商业表现, 马来西亚新纪元大学学院“华人华文 国际研讨会”,2018年11月10-11日(Between Success and Failure: Some Comments on the Performance of Chinese Business People in Southeast Asia。
  69. “海外‘华人市镇’与‘唐人街’:背景、特征、角色”,第四届“海外华人与中国侨乡文化”国际研讨会,桂林2019,10月11日-14日(投稿,缺席)。
  70. “马来西亚客家族群的人口、生计及文化探究”,2019世界客属第30届恳请大会客家论坛“继往开来,重新出发”,吉隆坡,2019年7月20日。
  71. “塑造马来西亚的‘国家共同体’—— 挑战与前景”,对话、协作、共生:中国-东盟教育与文化传承国际学术研讨会,南宁,2019年11月13-16日(主办:教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地西南大学西南民族教育与心理研究中心、广西民族大学)
  72. “鼠疫斗士伍连德医生对2020年新冠肺炎疫情抗争的启示”,新格局下的区域合作与繁荣共享国际研讨会,新纪元大学校院,2020年11月6日。
  73. “The Malaysian Concept of the ‘Community of Common Destiny’: Vision and Reality  马来西亚“命运共同体”概念——愿景与事实”,第五届国际移民与海外华人丽水论坛Fifth International Forum on Migration and Overseas Chinese,浙江丽水学院,2020年12月11-14日。


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