Title: Ethnic Identity and Acculturation: Malay Language Acquisition among Malaysian Chinese University Students with reference to UTAR
Date: 13 July 2016 (Wednesday)
Time: 3:00pm-4:30pm
Venue: New Era College, Block B, 2nd Floor, Room 204
Organizer: Office of Academic Affairs, New Era College
Language: Chinese
Speaker: Dr. WANG Ruixin (Senior Lecturer, Department of Education, New Era College)
Dr. Wang Ruixin possesses a Ph.D. from Nankai University, China. Her main research interests include the teaching of applied Chinese, Malaysian Chinese studies, Western philosophy, and philosophy of education, etc. Her major publications include Psycho-Analysis and A Critique of the Frankfurt School, Practice and Thinking of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language in Malaysia, Psycho-analysis and the Ideological Criticism of Frankfurt School, and numerous research papers in journals at home and abroad, as well as articles in Sin Chew Daily. She was the recipient of the Seventh “Philosophy and Social Sciences Award” of China in the third-prize category.
Moderator: Dr. WONG Shwu Huey (Head, Department of Education, New Era College)
Research on issues of ethnicity is an important part of Malaysian Chinese studies. No ethnic group exists in isolation as it interacts constantly with other groups. It is in this process that questions relating to ethnic identity arise. It is important that we examine Chinese ethnic identity in the context of the interaction with the Malays which form the largest ethnic community in the country. Language is a key marker of ethnic identity and also an essential element in inter-ethnic interactions. The study of the Malay language among Chinese university students and the extent of their acculturation will help us to provide fresh insights into and new perspectives on the understanding of ethnic relations and identity of the Chinese.
Monday to Friday: 8:30am - 5:00pm
(Off on Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays)